Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Friend Jordan

After my first blog entry about my Indian friend, Jordan, I felt convicted to talk to him about everything. I sent him a brief message on FaceBook with an apology about my lack of apathy towards his culture and/or interest in ever wanting to know more than surface-level things about his heritage. I honestly didn't know how Jordan was going to respond, but I was hoping that he would be openminded about my apology and not think I was just trying to make myself feel better that I apologized to an American Indian....

A couple days went by without a response and I began to feel worried that I had said the wrong thing, or that Jordan was mad at me for something. But Jordan could not have been more nice. He actually seemed excited that I was generally interested in hearing him discuss his heritage. I don't have much more to say now because we haven't talked on the phone yet, but I hope to report back with some more insight into my friendship with Jordan and what I will learn from talking with him.

(I updated my first blog entry with a photo of Jordan to put a face to his story. He's dressed up for halloween as an Indian. I tried finding a photo of us together, but sadly I couldn't find any.)

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